View from our office windows showing the Moselle and Mary's Pillar (Trier)

Oct 2024

SPR Meeting October 2024 in Prague

The meeting of the Society of Psychological Research (SPR) was in beautiful Prague this year, and of course we did not want to miss out. We had a great time with many interesting discussions with colleagues. We are returning home with lots of ideas for exciting new studies!

August 2024: Interview in the "Apothekenumschau"

The "Apothekenumschau", a magazine distributed through German pharmacies, just published an article on memory lapses in everyday life, which includes an interview with Siri Kamp. The online version can be found at the link below.

12.7.2024: End of the Summer Term

Another semester of lab meetings ("Kolloquium") is ending. We are proud of a very motivated and talented cohort of Bachelors and Masters students that have completed or are in the process of completing their theses in our department!


City Campus Trier 2023

We were fortunate to be able to present the newly founded Institute for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ICAN) at this year's City Campus. Many interested citizens of Trier as well as visitors from other parts of Europe stopped by to get to know some of the methods and research questions of the institute. We had a lot of fun and will certainly be back next year!


Seminar for the Children's University: "Sparks are Flying! My Brain is Learning." 

For the third time, the Kamp-Memorylab hosted a seminar for the "Kinderuni" at Trier University. Twelve children aged 8-12 years learned fun facts about our brains and how they enable us to remember new information. Furthermore, the children conducted their own EEG-experiment testing the question why we can memorize information better when it is "special" (emotional, surprising or unexpected). The children also crafted their own "brain hats". We had lots of fun throughout the event and hope to offer this seminar again very soon.

June 2023: Article in "Trierischer Volksfreund" about our collaboration with Median

An article was published this ween in the newspaper "Trierischer Volksfreund", which addresses the activities and goals of our fruitful collaboration with the Median Rehabilitation Center in Bernkastel-Kues.


PuG conference in Tübingen

This year's PuG conference in Tübingen was a fantastic experience. Luisa presented a poster on her dissertation project and had many insightful discussions with interested colleagues. A particular highlight was the PuG-Band, with a concert at the social evening. Siri joined the band for the first time, playing the cello, and had a blast!!

May 2023: New publication in Brain and Cognition

A new manuscript named "Reliability and stability of oddball P300 amplitude in older adults: The role
of stimulus sequence effects" was just published in Brain and Cognition. In this article, Siri-Maria Kamp, Glen Forester and Luisa Knopf report a study in which we examined the P300-response in the EEG in older adults across two laboratory sessions spaced several months apart.

The full reference is:

Kamp, S.-M., Forester, G. & Knopf, L. (2023). Reliability and stability of oddball P300 amplitude in older adults: The role of stimulus sequence effects. Brain and Cognition, 105998.

The article can be accessed here:

April 2023: New publication in Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience

Our manuscript titled "Pre-associative item encoding influences associative memory." has just been accepted for publication in CABN. In the study that we present in this manuscript, we examined how learning strategies regarding individual information units (such as an individual object) affect the learning of connections among multiple information units (i.e., associations). To do so, we conducted an elaborate analysis of memory performance data and of event-related potentials during learning.

This is the full reference to the paper:

Forester, G., & Kamp, S.-M. (2023). Pre-associative item encoding influences associative memory. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience. 


11.-14.4.2023 EUCAS conference in Leuven

We had a great time at the bi-annual meeting of the European Cognitive Aging Society and came back with lots of motivation and inspirations for new research projects! 

March 2023: Article in the "Dialog"

The journal "Dialog" by Median Unternehmensgruppe published an article about our course "Clinical Neuropsychology" for students at the University of Trier (Dialog, #1, 2023, Median Unternehmensgruppe).

Teap conference in Trier

Ricarda Endemann presented a poster titled "stimulus properties influence item retrieval mechanisms and associative memory" at this year's Teap conference, which was held in Trier. 

Thank you to everyone who stopped by her poster!

26.3.2023 New Website!

We are excited that our new website has gone live! Stay tuned for further updates!

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